Syllabus AI Olympiad Level 2


Syllabus for AI Level 2

In every field of study, you know that a practical education is what will set you apart, giving you the skills you need to get into the work you want, achieve your career goals and reach your full potential.


AI Level 2 Syllabus

Excite Session

Introduction to AI and Setting Up the Curriculum Context

Ice Breaker Activity: Dream Smart Home Idea

  • Learners design a rough floor plan layout for their dream smart homes.

Recommended Activity: The AI Game

Learners participate in three games based on different AI domains.

  • Game 1: Rock, Paper, and Scissors (data-based)
  • Game 2: Mystery Animal (Natural Language Processing – NLP)
  • Game 3: Emoji Scavenger Hunt (Computer Vision – CV)

Recommended Activity: AI Quiz

(Paper Pen/Online Quiz)

Recommended Activity: Writing a Letter

Learners write a letter to their future selves, keeping the future in context.

  • They describe what they’ve learned so far or what they aspire to learn someday.

Relate Video Session

Watch a video introducing the concept of Smart Cities, Smart Schools, and Smart Homes.

Recommended Activity: Interactive Story

  • Learners draw a floor plan of a Home/School/City.
  • Write an interactive story around it using the Story Speaker extension in Google Docs.

Purpose Session

Introduction to sustainable development goals.

Recommended Activity: Go Goals Board Game

  • Learners answer questions on Sustainable Development Goals.

Possibilities Session: Theme-based Research and Case Studies

  • Listen to case studies of inspiring start-ups, companies, or communities involving AI.
  • Learners choose a theme to explore present AI trends and visualize the future.

Recommended Activity: Job Ad Creating

  • Learners create a job advertisement, considering AI’s impact on jobs in the next 10 years.

AI Ethics Video Session

Discussing AI Ethics.

Recommended Activity: Ethics Awareness

  • Students play major stakeholders and decide ethical considerations for given scenarios.

AI Bias and AI Access Session

  • Discuss possible bias in data collection.
  • Discuss implications of AI technology.

Recommended Activity: Balloon Debate

  • Students debate AI’s benefits or harms for society in teams, presenting arguments for and against.

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