Exam Schedule

Result is about to declare on 25 Feb 2024
Result is about to declare on 25 Feb 2024

NLSO Exam Schedule 2023

Our National Level Science Olympiads (NLSO) is not just about competition, it is also an excellent way for students to learn and explore the world of science and technology. We provide a platform for students to interact with experts and professionals in the field, helping them to gain valuable insights and develop a passion for science.

Exams are divided into class wise levels as follows:

Exam Level 1 – Class 4-5
Exam Level 2 – Class 6-8
Exam Level 3 – Class 9-10
Exam Level 4 – Class 11-12

Important information under National Level ScienceX Olympiad (NLSO) 2023 can be viewed as follows:

NLSO Exam Schedule 2023
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