Read the Instructions before Filling the Registration form
Student Registration | |
Type* | Choose Student for Individual Student |
First Name* | Write First Name of the Student |
Last Name* | Write Last Name of the Student |
Email* | Write Email of the Parent |
Password* | Write a secure Password |
School Name* | Write School Name |
School Type | Select the school type (KVS, NVS, Govt., Non-Govt., Govt. Aided) in dropdown |
Mobile* | Write Mobile of the Parent |
Date of Birth* | Write Date of Birth of Student |
Gender* | Select the Gender |
Address | Write Student Address |
City* | Write City |
State* | Select the State |
Pin code* | Write Pin code |
✅Tick on the Checkbox of declaration and click on sign up | |
Now Login with your email id and password. | |
1. Once you’ve logged in, scroll the Dashboard page and click on Update & Next it will proceed to the “Student Exam Details” section. Fill the Class And section and select the Exam Level as per your Class Exams are divided into class wise levels as follows: Exam Level 1 – Class 4-5 Exam Level 2 – Class 6-8 Exam Level 3 – Class 9-10 Exam Level 4 – Class 11-12 Fill in the required information and save your changes by clicking on Update & Next button. It will lead to “Payments” page. | |
2. On the “Payments” page choose the Olympiads you wish to apply for and click “Next.” Then, click the “Pay Now” button to complete the fee payment. | |
3. To verify the payment status, go to the “Orders” section on the sidebar after the payment is made. | |
4. Congratulations! You have now successfully applied for the ScienceX Olympiads. | |
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ScienceX Education is now on WhatsApp Channels 🚀. Subscribe today by clicking the button below and stay updated with the latest Olympiads insight.
For School Registration |
Type* |
Choose School |
First Name* |
Write First Name of the Principal |
Last Name* |
Write Last Name of the Principal |
Email* |
Write Email of the School/Principal |
Password* |
Write a secure Password |
School Name* |
Write School Name |
School Type |
Select the school type (KVS, NVS, Govt., Non-Govt., Govt. Aided) in dropdown |
Mobile* |
Write Mobile of the Principal |
Date of Birth* |
Write 10/10/1900 |
Gender* |
Select the Gender |
Address |
Write School Address |
City* |
Write City |
State* |
Select State |
Pin code* |
Write Pin code |
✅ Tick on the checkbox of declaration and click on sign up |
Now Login with your email id and password. |
1. Once you’ve logged in, scroll the Dashboard page and click on Update & Next it will proceed to the “Coordinator” section. Fill in the required information and save your changes. |
2. Proceed to the “Student Upload” section located in the sidebar. Click on “Download CSV Template” to obtain the template in CSV format. Complete the necessary details within the CSV file, then upload it by selecting the file from your computer and saving your changes. |
3. Next, access the “Payments” section on the sidebar. Review the details of the student and click the “Pay Now” button to complete the fee payment. |
4. To verify the payment status, go to the “Orders” section on the sidebar after the payment is made. |
5. Congratulations! You have now successfully applied for the ScienceX Olympiads. |
General Instructions:
Examination Instructions
Welcome to our Examination Instructions:
To ensure a smooth and successful registration and examination process, please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Registration Details:
- Ensure all information provided is accurate and complete.
- Inaccurate information can result in registration or examination cancellation.
- The provided information may be shared with your school for verification.
2. Parental Support:
- We kindly request parents to provide impartial vigilance, unbiased support, and full cooperation during the examination.
- Uphold the integrity of the assessment by preventing cheating and refraining from providing assistance.
3. Test Date Allocation:
- The test date may be assigned or allowed for selection based on the number of participating students and available data.
4. Communication:
- Important information will be sent to registered students via email, including:
- Date and time of the exam
- Roll number
- Guidelines for the examination
- Exam link
- Other relevant information.
- If you do not receive this information within 10 days of the exam date, contact us at
5. Study Materials:
- All study materials are provided as e-books in PDF format, delivered via email or SMS.
- No hard copies will be sent.
6. Technical Requirements:
- We recommend using a Desktop PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Smartphone for the online exam.
- Ensure your device has:
- Good internet connectivity
- A functional webcam
- An updated version of Google Chrome.
- Failure to meet these requirements may prevent you from taking the exam.
7. Exam Conduct:
- Students should read all questions silently, not aloud.
- Voice levels may be randomly recorded during the exam.
- Random pictures may be taken during the exam.
8. Ranking Criteria:
- In the event of a tie in scores, the time taken to complete the test will be considered for ranking.
- The student with a shorter completion time will receive the higher rank.
9. Prizes and Awards:
- In cases of tie claims for prizes or awards, ScienceX Education may decide the winner through a Zoom call interview-exam or other suitable methods.
- ScienceX Education’s decision is final, irrevocable, and binding on all claimants.
We hope these instructions help you prepare for a successful Olympiad examination experience. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Good luck with your examination!
How to Reset password? | पासवर्ड रीसेट कैसे करें?
If you want to change the password, please click on the ‘Forgot Password’ option on the login page, and a new window will appear. Enter the registered email ID and click on ‘Reset Password.’ An email with a reset password link will be sent. Click on the link and create a new password.
यदि आप पासवर्ड बदलना चाहते हैं, कृपया लॉगिन पेज पर ‘Forgot Password’ विकल्प पर क्लिक करें, और एक नया विंडो दिखाई देगा। पंजीकृत ईमेल आईडी दर्ज करें और ‘Reset Password’ पर क्लिक करें। एक पासवर्ड रीसेट लिंक के साथ एक ईमेल भेजा जाएगा। लिंक पर क्लिक करें और एक नया पासवर्ड बनाएं।
How can I correct information if I have registered with the wrong details? | अगर मैंने गलत जानकारी के साथ पंजीकृत किया है, तो मैं इसे कैसे सही कर सकता हूँ?
If you accidentally made an incorrect entry and wish to correct it, there’s no need to worry. You have the option to edit the details when logging in, send us an email, or message us on WhatsApp with an edit request, and we will make the necessary corrections on our end.
अगर आपने भूल से गलत जानकारी दर्ज की है और इसे सही करना चाहते हैं, तो चिंता करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। जब लॉगिन करते समय आपको विवरण संपादित करने का विकल्प है | या हमें एक ईमेल भेजें, या हमें व्हाट्सएप पर संवाद करें और हम आपके आवश्यक सुधार करेंगे।