Step to Step Guide

Step by Step Guide for Registering NLSO 2023

Student Registration


Choose Student for Individual Student

First Name*

Write First Name of the Student

Last Name*

Write Last Name of the Student


Write Email of the Parent


Write a secure Password

School Name*

Write School Name

School Type

Select the school type (KVS, NVS, Govt., Non-Govt., Govt. Aided) in dropdown


Write Mobile of the Parent

Date of Birth*

Write Date of Birth of Student


Select the Gender


Write Student Address


Write City


Select the State

Pin code*

Write Pin code

Tick on the Checkbox of declaration and click on sign up

Now Login with your email id and password.

How to register for National Level ScienceX Olympiads 2023 (NLSO)
  1. Once you’ve logged in, scroll the Dashboard page and click on Update & Next it will proceed to the “Student Exam Details” section. 
Step to Step Guideline for registering NSLO 2023

2. Fill the Class And section and select the Exam Level as per your Class

Exams are divided into class wise levels as follows:

Exam Level 1 – Class 4-5

Exam Level 2 – Class 6-8

Exam Level 3 – Class 9-10

Exam Level 4 – Class 11-12

Fill in the required information and save your changes by clicking on Update & Next button. It will lead to “Payments” page.

Step to Step Guideline for registering NSLO 2023

3.  On the “Payments” page choose the Olympiads you wish to apply for and click “Next.” Then, click the “Pay Now” button to complete the fee payment.

Step to Step Guideline for registering NSLO 2023
Step to Step Guideline for registering NSLO 2023
Step to Step Guideline for registering NSLO 2023

4. To verify the payment status, go to the “Orders” section on the sidebar after the payment is made.

Step to Step Guideline for registering NSLO 2023

Congratulations! You have now successfully applied for the ScienceX Olympiads.

If you’ve already registered and paid the fee for one Olympiad but wish to apply for another, there’s no need to go through the registration process again. Simply log in and follow the same steps 2 to 4 as mentioned earlier.

If you accidentally made an incorrect entry and wish to correct it, there’s no need to worry. You have the option to edit the details when logging in, send us an email, or message us on WhatsApp with an edit request, and we will make the necessary corrections on our end.

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