Exam Schedule


NLSO Exam Schedule

Our National Level Science Olympiads (NLSO) is not just about competition, it is also an excellent way for students to learn and explore the world of science and technology. We provide a platform for students to interact with experts and professionals in the field, helping them to gain valuable insights and develop a passion for science.

Exams are divided into class wise levels as follows:

Exam Level 1 – Class 4-5
Exam Level 2 – Class 6-8
Exam Level 3 – Class 9-10
Exam Level 4 – Class 11-12

Schools can nominate any number of students for each level. However, participation of at least 20 students per school is mandatory.



ScienceX Olympiad

 (For Level 1, 2, 3)

ScienceX Math Olympiad

 (For Level 1, 2, 3)

ScienceX AI Olympiad

(For Level 2, 3)

ScienceX Physics Olympiad

 (For Level 4)

ScienceX Chemistry Olympiad

 (For Level 4)

ScienceX Biology/Astronomy Olympiad

 (For Level 4)

Day & Date


Any one Date can be choosen


Thursday, 03 October 2024


Wednesday, 06 November 2024


Friday, 04 October 2024


Wednesday, 13 November 2024


Monday, 21 October 2024


Monday, 11 November 2024


Thursday, 22 October 2024


Tuesday, 12 November 2024


Thursday, 22 October 2024


Tuesday, 12 November 2024


Monday, 21 October 2024


Monday, 11 November 2024



10:00am to 11:30am


10:00am to 11:30am

Level 2 – 10:00am

Level 3 – 12:30pm

Level 4

09:00 AM TO 10: 30 AM

Level 4

11:30 AM TO 01: 00 PM

Level 4

02:30 PM TO 04: 00 PM

Mode of Examination 

Offline at your School


 90 Minutes

Number of Questions

 50 Questions

Eligibility (i.e)
who can appear for 

For Classes 4 to 10

For classes 4 to 10

For Classes 6 to 10

For Classes 11 & 12

For Classes 11 & 12

For Classes 11 & 12

Level of 
Question Paper 

Syllabus is specified on the ScienceX Education website

Language of 
Question Paper 

Question paper will be in English.

Question Paper 

50 multiple-choice questions with one correct alternative. Each correct choice earns +3 marks, and there is a penalty of -1 mark for each incorrect choice.


(Register online or offline

  •  Last Date for New School Registrations: 25 August 2024.
  •  Online Registration  | Offline Registration Form.
  • Deadline for Uploading Student Information and Fee Payment: 31 August 2024
  • Schools registered by 25 August 2024 can complete the student registration process and fee payment until 31 August 2024.

Total Marks








 Registration Fee

(Payment Modes)







Prize & Certificates

  • All participants will receive certificates
  • 1st Prize ₹ 15000 + Gold Medal
  • 2nd Prize ₹ 10000 + Silver Medal
  • 3rd Prize ₹ 7000 + Bronze Medal
  • Medals, Merit and distinction certificates will also be awarded for Top 1% student of centre based on scores.
  • Report cards will be generated for all candidates scoring above the Qualifying Threshold Score (QTS), and can be downloaded from sciencex.org.in by the enrolled students.
  •  Certificates will be awarded to the top 10% students of every center.
  • Merit Certificates will be awarded to the top 1% students in each state, in each subject.
  • Special Merit Certificates and a prize (Surprise) will be awarded to the top 1% students nationally in Physics, Astronomy, and Science.

Other Incentives


Additional Prizes

  • Top 3 Schools will be awarded Shields along with the following School prize#:
    • 1st Prize ₹ 15000 + Shield
    • 2nd Prize ₹ 10000 + Shield
    • 3rd Prize ₹ 5000 + Shield
  • Top 10 teacher coordinators will be awarded ₹ 5000*
  • Certificates for coordinating teachers
  • Opportunity to participate in capacity building workshops on science themes

The listing for prizes and incentives is dynamic and is likely to change depending upon sponsorships and partnerships created within the program in the current academic session.

# A school will meet the eligibility criteria only if the number of candidates exceeds 200.

* A school will meet the eligibility criteria only if the number of candidates exceeds 200.

Rules for Stage II

  1. First Stage ScienceX Olympiads Aim: The primary objective of the initial stage ScienceX Olympiads is to foster broad participation among school students.
  2. Progressive Reach to Stage II:
    • Eligibility for Stage II ScienceX Olympiad Exam: To qualify for the Stage II ScienceX Olympiad exam, a candidate must achieve a score equal to or greater than the Qualifying Threshold Score (QTS).
    • Calculation of QTS: The QTS for a given subject will be 60% of the average of the top ten scores in that subject, rounded down to the nearest integer.
  3. Achievement Index (AI):
    • Each subject in the ScienceX Olympiads (NLSO) will have an Achievement Index (AI).
    • Definition of AI: The AI in a subject is 85% of the average of the top ten scores in that subject, rounded down to the nearest integer.
    • Qualification based on AI: All students with a score equal to or greater than the AI for the subject will automatically qualify for the ScienceX Olympiad Stage II examination in that subject.
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