Awards and Prizes


Awards and Prizes

The following awards will be provided to the winners of Olympiads being conducted during the academic year 2024-25:

Prize & Certificates

  • All participants will receive certificates
  • 1st Prize ₹ 15000 + Gold Medal
  • 2nd Prize ₹ 10000 + Silver Medal
  • 3rd Prize ₹ 7000 + Bronze Medal
  • Medals, Merit and distinction certificates will also be awarded for Top 1% student of centre based on scores.
  • Report cards will be generated for all candidates scoring above the Qualifying Threshold Score (QTS), and can be downloaded from by the enrolled students.
  •  Certificates will be awarded to the top 10% students of every center.
  • Merit Certificates will be awarded to the top 1% students in each state, in each subject.
  • Special Merit Certificates and a prize (Surprise) will be awarded to the top 1% students nationally in Physics, Astronomy, and Science.

Other Incentives

Additional Prizes

  • Top 3 Schools will be awarded Shields along with the following School prize#:
  • 1st Prize ₹ 15000 + Shield
  • 2nd Prize ₹ 10000 + Shield
  • 3rd Prize ₹ 5000 + Shield
  • Top 10 teacher coordinators will be awarded ₹ 5000*
  • Certificates for coordinating teachers
  • Opportunity to participate in capacity building workshops on science themes

The listing for prizes and incentives is dynamic and is likely to change depending upon sponsorships and partnerships created within the program in the current academic session.

# A school will meet the eligibility criteria for additional incentives only if the number of candidates exceeds 200.

* A school will meet the eligibility criteria for additional incentives only if the number of candidates exceeds 200.


If a school has 70 students, and each student registers for 3 Olympiads, the total number of registrations would be:
70 students x 3 Olympiads each = 210 registrations.

In this case, the school meets the eligibility criteria for additional incentives because the total number of candidates (registrations) exceeds 200.

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