Syllabus AI Olympiad Level 3


Syllabus for AI Level 3

In every field of study, you know that a practical education is what will set you apart, giving you the skills you need to get into the work you want, achieve your career goals and reach your full potential.


AI Level 3 Syllabus

Part A: Employability Skills

  • Communication Skills
  • Self-Management Skills
  • ICT Skills
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Green Skills

Part B: Subject-Specific Skills

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Excite
    • Relate
    • Purpose
    • Possibilities
    • AI Ethics
  • AI Project Cycle
    • Problem Scoping
    • Data Acquisition
    • Data Exploration
    • Modelling
  • Neural Network
    • Understand and appreciate the concept of Neural Network through gamification.
  • Introduction to Python
    • Introduction to Python

Part C: Practical Work

  • Introduction to Python
    • Simple programs using input and output function
    • Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Expressions, Data Types
    • Flow of control and conditions
    • Lists

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